Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Safe in HIS arms.

While on my mission trip to Uganda I was working at a baby home feeding babies and loving on the littlest, sweetest orphans. I wanted to hold them all and just felt like i could have spent the whole 10 days there. A volunteer came into the nursery and asked if one of us could check in on a child that had been brought in that day. She said she was worried about her and felt bad leaving her. I immediately volunteered and headed to the isolation room. They kept them in there away from others until they could be checked out and cleared by a doctor. What i saw when i got there broke my heart. This child was in a dark room crying so hard she was hyperventilating. The sobs where gut wrenching. I immediately picked her up and tried to console her. She clung to me with a death grip and continued to sob. I tried rocking her in my arms and just rubbing her back and softly saying it's ok, it's ok. The sobs kept coming and my heart kept breaking for her.
As i was turning around in this small room i saw the sign on the door that read "isolation" I was taken back by that because when i was 8 years old i was in a children's home in an isolation room for three days. It was one of the hardest times of my life and to this day i tear up when i think about it. I was traumatized more by that than any abuse i had ever endured. After the second night there i was at a breaking point. I thought i was going to go crazy if i didn't talk to someone. So i cried out to GOD. I said if you are real please come i need you now and i can't bear to be alone any more. In that moment of desperation i felt HIS presence. It was if peace entered that room and felt that HE wrapped me in HIS arms and instantly my tears stopped and i fell asleep singing JESUS loves me to myself. I have never doubted if GOD was real in my life because i knew from that moment on that HE was real.
So there i stood in an isolation room in Uganda reliving the memory of that painful experience with this broken little girl. Knowing what it felt like to be alone, scared, confused, and desperate for arms to hold and comfort you. I felt so overwhelmed with all the emotions that i thought i would collapse when out of no where i just started to sing a song. A song that i had never heard before. Instantly i felt as if GOD were singing it to me and to her. That same peace i felt as a child was there in this room too. GOD was holding us both and as i sang she feel sound asleep. No sniffles or sobs just peaceful rest came over her. I stood there amazed at how Our GOD works through us. He allowed me to see that HE was holding us both and that HE had really never let me go, nor would HE ever let her go. She was safe in HIS arms for life; just as my life had been turned around so would this precious little girls life be in HIS capable hands. As i sang each line spoke through me was a message to me and to her. A short time later someone came to tell me it was time to go. I was afraid if i put her down she would start crying all over again and it would break my heart to leave her, but as i lay her down she was curled up just as peaceful as she had been moments before in my arms. That is when i realized that HE was still holding her. I left there feeling so blessed to have seen GOD at work. Knowing that when i get to heaven she will be there with stories of how GOD worked in her life and I left knowing that we both were HIS children and we both would be held for eternity safe in our Father's arms.

"Safe in HIS arms"
Safe in HIS arms, you are safe in HIS arms oh child.
He will never let you go, He's wanting you to know
That you are safe in HIS arms for life.
Safe in HIS arms, safe in HIS arms, you are safe in the arms of GOD.
He see's each tear you cry, has an answer for your why's
You are safe in HIS arms oh child.
Safe in HIS arms, safe in HIS arms, you are safe in the arms of GOD.
HE will never let you down, HE'll turn this life around
You are safe in HIS arms for life.
Safe in HIS arms, safe in HIS arms, you are safe in the arms of GOD.

1 comment:

  1. Indeed, we are safe in the arms of Jesus.
    Just checking back for any new posts you may have written.
    I’ve been a follower on your blog for a while now and would like to invite you to visit and perhaps follow me back. Sorry I took so long for the invitation.
